‘I don’t like children, In fact I hate them’ – Steve Wakaniaru University

‘I don’t like children, In fact I hate them’ – Steve Wakaniaru University

Massage therapist Steve, better known as Wakaniaru, made a controversial statement during a recent interview on Obinna TV.

Wakaniaru, who has garnered attention for his often candid and humorous takes on life, left viewers stunned when he openly declared, “I hate children.”

The interview, hosted by comedian and content creator Obinna, was initially light-hearted and focused on Wakaniaru’s career in massage therapy, his social media journey, and his personal life.

However, the conversation took a surprising twist when Obinna inquired about Wakaniaru’s thoughts on family life and children. In his response, Wakaniaru casually stated, “I don’t like children.

In fact, I hate them.” His comment was met with an awkward pause from the host and shock from viewers tuning in.

Many were left questioning whether he was serious or attempting to make a joke in poor taste.

Backlash from Viewers

The interview clip quickly went viral across various social media platforms, sparking heated discussions.

While some of Wakaniaru’s fans defended his statement as an offhand remark meant to provoke laughter, others were outraged, accusing him of promoting harmful ideas about family values and parenting.

Critics argue that such comments, even if made in jest, can be deeply hurtful, particularly in a society where children are cherished as the future of the community.

Clarification or Justification?

In response to the backlash, Wakaniaru addressed the controversy in a follow-up post on his social media platforms.

Without fear of contradiction, Wakaniaru posted a video saying , ” I still have the clothes that I had yesterday on Obinna Show live, because I want to speak without fear of contradiction, the same Steve who was on Obinna Show live is the same Steve that is sitting here today.

Steve [photo: Instagram/wakaniaruuniversity]
Steve [photo: Instagram/wakaniaruuniversity]

Oga, thank you for the platform that you have given to us to come and share our ideas and also express ourselves.

A few friends have reached out, my manager, my personal assistant, and they say, they feel like I should apologise to the nation for stating clearly that I hate kids, apologize for being real and for being.

I know I might have offended a lot of you, but I was sober, I knew what I was saying, I was not intoxicated, that was the real me, that was Steve, that was who I am.

And if I’m going to apologize for being me then it wouldn’t make sense why I’m Milayas.

Milayas stand for people who live their life unapologetically. People who say things and do things that they feel are okay with them, for them and within them no matter how uncomfortable they are to others and to the society.

I’m not here to apologize, I’m here to confirm that I hate kids. You will not force me to say I ‘dislike kids’ , ‘ I don’t prefer kids’.

It is a strong word, a chose to use it, I stand by it. You love kids, what is the opposite of love? It’s hate, so I hate kids,” he said.

Wakaniaru’s remark about children during his interview with Obinna TV has undoubtedly shaken his fanbase and ignited public debate.

While his unapologetic personality is what has attracted many fans to him, this recent comment may challenge the boundaries of what is acceptable in public discourse.

As the conversation unfolds, it remains to be seen how this controversy will affect Wakaniaru’s standing in the public eye and his career going forward.

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