Articles On editor

European diplomats endorse Raila’s bid for African Union Commission job
Uncategorized .

European diplomats on Thursday April 25, 2024 endorsed Raila Odinga’s bid for the African Union Commission chairperson position.  The diplomats…

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Azimio: State capture, corruption running Kenya Kwanza government
Politics .

Leaders of the opposition coalition party, Azimio have claimed that President William Ruto’s government is tainted with state capture and…

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EDITORIAL: Politicians Need To Keep Their Petty Wrangles Away From Funerals
editor .

Once again we find ourselves forced to call out the revolting actions of politicians invading funerals to cause untold chaos…

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Time to revisit the death penalty and call for its abolition
editor, KENYA .

The continued imposition of the death sentence by courts in Kenya, despite a longstanding hiatus in actual executions, raises profound…

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Government should prioritize care, not contributions in the SHIF rollout
editor, KENYA .

Today our attention is drawn to the apparent rush by government to begin contributions to the yet to be rolled…

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It is hypocritical to side step the delimitation of constituency boundaries
editor, KENYA .

Once again, we find ourselves at the mercy of hypocritical legislators who conveniently choose which parts of the law suit…

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CS Nakhumicha should urgently forestall the looming doctors’ strike
editor, KENYA .

The looming strike by doctors nationwide over the government’s failure to employ intern teachers is a dire situation that cannot…

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CS Nakhumicha should urgently forestall the looming doctors’ strike
editor, KENYA .

The looming strike by doctors nationwide over the government’s failure to employ intern teachers is a dire situation that cannot…

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EDITORIAL: Why new measures to counter illicit alcohol and drugs may still not work
editor, KENYA .

Wednesday’s announcement by the government regarding measures aimed at eradicating illicit brews, drugs, and substance abuse is a stark reminder…

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EDITORIAL: KRA biased recruitment is a moral scar
editor, KENYA .

Revelation of the Kenya Revenue Authority‘s (KRA) biased recruitment practices has stirred deep consternation and rightly so. The glaring reality…

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EDITORIAL: MPs cannot play dumb after passing punitive laws
editor, KENYA .

Last week in Murang’a, a startling scene unfolded as MPs joined local farmers in forcibly chasing away Kenya Revenue Authority…

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Why I wanted to quit my job

Charlene Ruto, the daughter of President William Ruto has revealed why she wanted to quit her job. Speaking during an…

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EDITORIAL: We need to transition Global climate conferences into real climate solutions
KENYA, News .

In the last two weeks of this month of February, Nairobi has hosted two global climate conferences and summits, the…

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EDITORIAL: A call to rescue Public Universities in the face of financial crisis
KENYA, News .

Today, our attention is drawn to recent revelations of the dire financial situation plaguing our top universities, as outlined in…

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EDITORIAL: A call to rescue Public Universities in the face of financial crisis
KENYA, News .

Today, our attention is drawn to recent revelations of the dire financial situation plaguing our top universities, as outlined in…

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