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Kiambu MCAs want to impeach Governor Kimani Wamatangi

Kiambu MCAs addressing the press on Tuesday, August 29, 2023 outside the Kiambu County Assembly in Kiambu town. They are threatening to impeach Governor Kimani Wamatangi over incompetence. PHOTO/TV47 DIGITAL

A section of Kiambu Members of County Assembly (MCAs) is now threatening to launch an impeachment motion against Governor Paul Kimani Wamatangi.

Led by Limuru East MCA Paul Macharia, the leaders are accusing Governor Wamatangi of incompetence, poor leadership, and inability to oversee county development.

According to the MCAs, Kiambu residents voted them in to legislate, oversight, and represent them in the county assembly, insisting that the county boss should respect that.

On his part, Karuri Ward MCA Peter Wainaina alias Boxer urged Governor Wamatangi to pump more funds into development projects across the county.

This, Wainaina says, will enable the Kiambu electorate to access quality services near their locales.

In addition, Githiga MCA Ruth Waithera implored Governor Wamatangi to fully constitute his government by appointing chief officers in all departments.

Waithera – accusing the governor of being a lone ranger – says this move will improve the performance of his government.

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