Shop owner, watchman killed in cold blood as robbers run berserk in Bunyore

Shop owner, watchman killed in cold blood as robbers run berserk in Bunyore

Police in Bunyore, Vihiga County, are investigating an incident where armed robbers killed two people in Emakakha village on Sunday, April 14 night.

A report filed at Embali Police Station says that the robbers raided 2000 Retailers Shop and killed a watchman, Luka Ongaya, 68, and the owner of the shop one Edward Atsibilwa.

Atsibilwa, 58, was sleeping inside his shop at the time of incident.

After killing the two, the robbers proceeded to rob goods and two mobile phones, all valued at KSh300,000.

The scene of crime was visited by National Police Service officers and Directorate of Criminal Investigations officers, where it was further established that the robbers raided three other shops in the area.

“…goods stolen as follows; (1) Phanice Akoyo aged 85 years – four mattresses, 35 KG sugar, 25 KG rice, 3 cartons of milk, six sufurias, assorted exercise books. (2) Phanice Nyabera – 50 sockets, 50 bulbs and electrical cables. (3)Joyce Achieng – one blow dry machine, shaving machine, heaters, towels and three chairs,” the report says.

The bodies, police say, had visible deep cut wounds on the head believed to have been occassioned by sharp objects.

The bodies were removed to Puche Hospital mortuary awaiting autopsy.

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