‘I did drugs, smoked weed’ – Annita Raey’s riveting revelation

‘I did drugs, smoked weed’ – Annita Raey’s riveting revelation

Media personality Annita Raey has disclosed some of her past experiences, including smoking bhang and being an alcoholic before she was saved and her life changed.

This was during an interview with VDeejay Hobbz on TV47 during the Sifa Sunday program on July 21, 2024.

Annita Raey testified how she transformed from being a functional alcoholic to getting saved.

“The Bible verse that has kept me going throughout the year is Corinthians 15:58 which says,

‘Be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labour is not in vain.

Functional Alcoholic

The Lord didn’t say it is going to be easy or a walk in the park but it will never be in vain. This has kept me going constantly,” she mentioned.

Anita explained during the interview how her previous lifestyle was in different ways;

Dysfunctional childhood

“My childhood was filled with a lot of trauma and didn’t have any relationship with my mum.

I had major mummy issues, I used to be ashamed of saying it but the great thing is that I am working on it and God is also working on me.”

She explained that she joined the wrong company in high school and everything went south.

“I did drugs, smoked weed, got into heavy drinking and smoking cigarettes. I got suspended from school for selling drugs and later expelled,” she said.

Additionally, she stated that her sisters grew up in her shadow, a shadow of troubles and she was selfish as well.

“I would like to advise parents to stop taking sides and comparing their children.

You make children not understand what love is. Your children are uniquely different. You can love them equally, but love them differently.”

Anita who got married at 17 years immediately after high school, never experienced college life. She mentioned that they met at a bar and got married 7 days later.

“I got assaulted at 15 years and I hated men. But, I felt my then-husband was the only one who understood me. All I was looking for was only love and acceptance.”

According to her, she used to drink and party with her husband and when she started to get tired, he got angry, leading to regular fights in their marriage.

Drinking was what brought them together and the same reason that got them apart.

“Our marriage lasted 5 years, it was the best and worst thing that happened to me because it shaped me in a good and bad way.”

Despite all these, she got the condition called Bell’s Palsy immediately she got saved.

Spiritual growth

“With Bell’s Palsy, I lost balance and one of my aunts said it was witchcraft.

I felt like God was grounding me.

For three months, I was completely grounded but the funny thing was I got to know God, read the Bible and prayed a lot.”

“The Bell’s palsy condition was a journey I had to pass through for me to sit down and listen.

I survived it and it made me closer to God.”

“Growing spiritually has taught me what to weed out.

Weed out some company, what I take in spiritually, who I follow on social media, what I listen to and people I let pray for me.

Through acceleration and the favour of God, I am now serving as an Associate Pastor.

I do mentorship and have written a book,” she stated.

“I am a radical God person such that I don’t do anything without praying.

I live that life, if God wants it to be it will and if He doesn’t it’s not meant to be.”

She urged that, “having a relationship with God is the best feeling. You can talk to Him anywhere, anytime and He listens.”

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