
More Articles On editor

EDITORIAL: Political rivalry must not result in public endangerment
editor .

The recent violence and confrontation in Thika’s Kimuchu area, which led to the tragic death of at least one person,…

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EDITORIAL: Reconsider unreasonable budget cuts for Education Programmes
editor .

The recent decisions by the Kenyan government to dismantle crucial programs within the education sector are not just disappointing; they…

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EDITORIAL: We cannot ignore claims of undue influence on parliamentary committees
editor .

The recent allegations of undue influence on parliamentary committees (National Assembly), particularly concerning the exoneration of CS Mithika Linturi in…

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EDITORIAL: Government is right in dissolving ID vetting committees
editor .

The decision by the government to dissolve vetting committees responsible for issuing national IDs is a commendable and long-awaited step…

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EDITORIAL: Crackdown on fake academic certificates is long overdue
editor .

Today we reflect on the ongoing national discourse surrounding the bloated public sector wage bill and the alarming prevalence of…

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EDITORIAL: Political intolerance and violence must stop
editor .

Cases of political intolerance, chaos and downright violence appear to be re-emerging at an alarming rate, a worrying trend that…

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EDITORIAL: Workers’ unions should re-evaluate their roles
editor .

As we prepare to celebrate Labor Day in two weeks, it’s important to think about how crucial trade unions have…

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EDITORIAL: Gov’t should lead by example in living within its means
editor .

President William Ruto’s recent remarks regarding living within our means as a nation, particularly in the context of the ongoing…

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EDITORIAL: Make Corruption and Ethics Survey Count For Something
editor .

Today, the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission will release results of the 2023 National Ethics and Corruption Survey. The report provides…

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EDITORIAL: Politicians Need To Keep Their Petty Wrangles Away From Funerals
editor .

Once again we find ourselves forced to call out the revolting actions of politicians invading funerals to cause untold chaos…

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It Is Wrong To Let Schools Go Unfunded Despite Budgetary Allocation?
editor .

The funding crisis in schools nationwide demands urgent attention and resolution. The delayed allocation of government funds threatens to undermine…

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With higher taxation, Kenyans should demand better services
editor .

Dear Kenyans, today, President William Ruto signs the Affordable Housing Bill into law, meaning more deductions from your hard-earned salaries…

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Time to revisit the death penalty and call for its abolition
editor, KENYA .

The continued imposition of the death sentence by courts in Kenya, despite a longstanding hiatus in actual executions, raises profound…

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Government should prioritize care, not contributions in the SHIF rollout
editor, KENYA .

Today our attention is drawn to the apparent rush by government to begin contributions to the yet to be rolled…

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It is hypocritical to side step the delimitation of constituency boundaries
editor, KENYA .

Once again, we find ourselves at the mercy of hypocritical legislators who conveniently choose which parts of the law suit…

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